Aclima Doublewool Balaclava
The Aclima Doublewool Balaclava is made from Aclima WoolNet Original on the inside, and wool interlock on the outside. This balaclava features woolnet on the mouth that allows you to breathe through it as well as minimizes any possibility of ice building up on the inside in very cold conditions. This product is ideal for people who spend a lot of time outside in cold climates.
Aclima has a deeprooted send of sustainability which can be seen from what they make. Merino wool tends to last longer than other textiles and require less washing meaning it has lower maintenance and waste. Additionally when your aclima product has finally reached the end of its life merino wool is bio-degradeable meaning you can dispose of it with ease of mind that no harm is coming to the enviroment. Aclima sources all their wool meticulously making sure to check up on their suppliers from when it is sheared to delivery to them. With their wool being sourced from New Zealand and Tasmania these countries never used the practice of museling meaning you can rest easy that their wool is cruelty free.