Amundsen Sports AS Heroes Frock Anorak
The Amundsen Sports Heroes Frock Anorak has been one of Amundsen Sports most memorable pieces since the very beginning. The durable anorak takes its design from the original anoraks worn by Roald Amundsen and his men during their expedition to the South Pole in 1911.
Amundsen Sports has added a warm insulation to this updated design of the oversized anorak, along with a lighter weight waxed cotton face fabric. Although this minimalist anorak features no technical components, it is guaranteed to protect you from the elements and the cold no matter what.
If you’re looking for an extraordinary piece of outdoor equipment with a rich history attached to it, the Amundsen Sports Heroes Frock Anorak is the garment for you.
› 100% waxed cotton from British Millerain, England
› Norwegian Woolinside insulation
› 100% cotton lining from Halley Stevenson, Scotland
› Cotton lace in the neck
› Optional coyote fur on hood edge