Swiza TT03 Penknife
*Age restriction applies.
The SWIZA TT03 is a brilliant swiss penknife to take out with you on any adventure. The handy outdoor knife features a tick tool, which is ideal for camping trips accompanied by your dog. The stainless-steel blade is 75mm and has a safety lock to prevent closing when working. The penknife also features a bottle opener with a flat head screwdriver, Sommelier corkscrew, tweezers and a reamer awl with sewing eye, which makes it a great addition for your camping kit.
The SWIZA TT03 is a brilliant swiss penknife to take out with you on any adventure. The handy outdoor knife features a tick tool, which is ideal for camping trips accompanied by your dog. The stainless-steel blade is 75mm and has a safety lock to prevent closing when working. The penknife also features a bottle opener with a flat head screwdriver, Sommelier corkscrew, tweezers and a reamer awl with sewing eye, which makes it a great addition for your camping kit.
Please note that the sale of knives is restricted to customers over the age of 18. To allow us to ship your order we will require proof of age, should we be unable to verify your age we will be unable to ship this product in line with current legislation.